In der engl. UaW wikipedia steht folgendes zu der 3. Alienrasse, welche sich wohl recht defensiv spielen lässt...:


The Masari are a race of great technology in fact they even gave technological advances to the Hierarchy who were near extinct at the time. Sadly the Hierarchy turned on them and nearly wiped the Masari from the face of the galaxy. However they did escape and managed to take refuge on Earth during the time of ancient cultures. They dwelled in the ocean using an experimental technology for which they were rarely seen but when they were they were written in myths and legends (like Atlantis).

Play Style

The Masari are turtlers. In order to gain resources they have a special structure that provides resources over time by converting nearby matter into energy. It is best not to leave the Masari alone for too long or else they might grow to be very powerful. Among turtling they also have the Light/Dark system. This system gives certain advantage when in either Light of Dark mode, each have warm up and cool down times however still allow for great adaptibility. Light mode makes units airborne and gives them greater line of sight and do damage better from a distance. Dark mode increases all Masari units rate of fire and speed,gives all units and structures a shield at the expense of grounding flying units and a decreased line of sight.

Tech Trees

Light Mode Tech Tree- upgrades Light Mode abilities and weapons.
Balanced Tech Tree - grants access to various abilities, Light and Dark.
Dark Mode Tech Tree Tech Tree - upgrades Dark Mode abilities and weapons.


The Masari's music is orchestral it also features rocktronics and chorus, written and created by Frank Klepacki

In Short

  • They are widely considered a "turtling" faction, with a very strong late game.
  • Infinite resources, never ending income.
  • They think things into existence.
  • Dark and Light mode can be accessed at the touch of a button.
  • Buildings and art style are ode to popular world mythology.

Very little is still known about this faction