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Es gibt seit einigen Tagen ein Update der TheWorse Modifikation Stand 0.8 - | Downloadlink:
You’ll be able to choose if you want a light dof, a strong dof or to be default (disabled) Thanks to VAAS for doing a great job!
You’ll be able to choose different bloom presets (E3 Bloom, Light Bloom or default)
You’ll be able to choose different types of colorgrading( E3, Default, Red-Ish or Blue-Ish)
You’ll be able to choose if you want default lensflares, anamorphic lensflares or SpotLight Volumes (Volumetric light)
You’ll be able to use a texture patch made by MalDo (Thank you so much!) for reducing stuttering!
Headlight shadows have been fixed
Lighting have been changed
Pharmacy Lighting have been slighly changed.
E3 Wind environment added
Particle respawn time reduced to be able to see more fog and smoke in streets.
-Problems and Bugs related to HDR should be fixed
-Fully integrated to Ubisoft’s patch (No effects or shaders have been disabled)
-Included several high textures from the game to be used instead of low quality ones.
-Rain, bloom, ssao changes
Es soll vor allem mit dem aktuellen Patch zu Watch Dogs funktionieren. Werde es demnächst testen. Ein kleiner Eindruck von der älteren Version der Mod gibt es in unserem kleinen Testvideo (Fahrkünste bitte ignorieren )

Version 0.99:
Version 1.0: