Auf ist ein Interview mit dem Concept-Grafiker von Crysis aufgetaucht.
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Question #1:

What was it like working for Crytek?

Answer #1:

From what I can remember, Crytek is a highly motivated company run by three brothers. For me it was different in that it was my first European game company that I'd worked for. They also had some great technology and weren't afraid of exploring new things or coming up with exciting new ideas and imageries. They just kept pushing and pushing and the lead artist ( Michael Khaimzon ) didn't want to settle for anything less, which is a great trait if you want to beat the competition.

The experience working there was unique because of the team - lots of different nationalities working there. The principals of the company just pulled in alot of good people from all over Europe. Very progressive thinkers and just "gung-ho" about the whole thing.

My role was minimal but I did feel like I'd contributed something....don't know what exactly.

Time to time I felt miserable because I was there during the month of December and part of January. I'm from Los Angeles and so the cold shocked my system.

Question #2:

How long did you work for Crytek and during what time period?

Answer #2:

All together, just a few months on and off from late 2004 to early 2005.

Question #3:

How did you become a concept artist?

Answer #3:
I actually wanted to be a comicbook artist from an early age, and later a Sci-Fi and Fantasy artist. I also at one stage wanted to become a commercial artist. While working for animation companies and on movies, there were no titles like concept artists yet, instead they had titles like Character Designer, Background Designer or for movies they just used Illustrator. It wasn't until the same artists moved into the gaming industry that concept artist was used, and it got carried over to the movie business after that. So, I've always been a concept artist from an early age - I just went through many name titles.

And now I'm just known as a concept artist even though I do many types of art. But, with interests ranging from comicbooks to Sci-Fi and Fantasy, basically, it's a good recipe for being a concept artist.

Question #4:

How did you get the job as a concept artist for Crytek?

Answer #4:

I got an email from their lead artist, Michael Khaimzon. He asked me if I was available. It was a little unnerving because I respected Crytek from earlier on.

Question #5:

Out of the concept art that has been released, which are your work?

Answer #5:

They are all by this guy named Magnus.

Question #6:

How do you create the images?

Answer #6:

I use both traditional and digital tools. These days I just use Photoshop and 3D software like Max or Maya. I use Painter along with Photoshop for any enhancements.

I first start out with thumbnails and sketches, and once things get OK'd, I usually move to color and do the final image.

Question #7:

How long did it take you (on average) to make each concept for Crysis?

Answer #7:

Few hours on the average. Some take longer because of the details.

Question #8:
Are you much of a gamer? And what are your thoughts on Crysis?
Answer #8:

Yes, I'm a gamer. I believe Crysis will set a new standard and others will want to emulate it until maybe someone else comes out with an even better game. Crysis look-wise and game-wise is the type of game that I like to work on. It's a hi-tech FPS mixed in with an exotic feel.

Question #9:

Is there any advice you would like to give for people interested in becoming a concept artist?

Answer #9:

First, narrow your art down to specifics. Although it's good to have a traditional art background, think in terms of 3D - in other words, think dimensional, volume, function and scale. Don't forget about colors, and most of all... try to come up with new ideas. Be different. These days alot of the same 'ol same 'ol gets regurgitated because of the internet.

Question #10:

Did crytek have a project name for Crysis back then?

Answer #10:

I heard...

Cry on my Shoulder, Crybaby, Cry me to Tears and Crysake. Maybe they were just
joking .

A big thankyou too Edward Lee who was kind enough to answer these questions during his own time. You can view some of his work over at his website,