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  1. #1
    Meisterin der Klinge Avatar von Aaaaaimbot
    Registriert seit
    Grayditch (Brandices Haus)

    Standard Slash'EM Extended, das Retro-Rollenspiel

    Tach, hier ist die Lieblingsamy mit einer Eigenkreation: Slash'EM Extended heißt das Rollenspiel, das seit Dezember 2013 von mir entwickelt wird. Es basiert auf NetHack, einem uralten ASCII-Rollenspiel vom "Roguelike"-Genre, d.h. der Spieler erkundet Dungeons, die in jedem Spiel zufällig generiert werden und wenn man stirbt, muß man ganz von vorne anfangen. Worum es geht? In einem 65 Stockwerke tiefen Dungeon befindet sich ein Amulett, das der Spieler ans Tageslicht befördern muß. Auf dem Weg dorthin trifft man auf alle möglichen Orks, Elfen, Drachen, Dämonen und was es eben noch so für Getier gibt in einem Rollenspiel. Es stehen auch jede Menge verschiedene Charakterklassen und -rassen zur Auswahl, die man spielen kann, z.B. Schurken, Gangster, Todesser (aus Harry Potter), Kuriere (aus Fallout New Vegas), Jedis (aus Star Wars), Argonier, Rothwardonen, Khajiit und Kaiserliche (alle aus The Elder Scrolls), Navi (aus Avatar) usw. usf., die alle verschiedene Stärken und Schwächen haben. Natürlich gibt es auch Endgegner, die bekämpft werden müssen. Ganz am Ende vom Spiel warten die apokalyptischen Reiter, die einem endgültig den Gar ausmachen wollen.

    Wie sieht das Ganze aus? Folgendermaßen:

    "OMG Amy, das ist doch voll die Retro-Grafik!" Ja, steht ja auch im Titel, daß es eher etwas "altertümlich" wirkt. Aber Spaß macht es trotzdem, sowohl das Programmieren (die Programmiersprache ist C) als auch das Spielen. Die halboffizielle Homepage ist hier: - man kann es runterladen (das Spiel ist Freeware), aber der Einfachheit halber kommt auch hier noch der Link: und für diejenigen, die selber gern programmieren und sich mit C auskennen, gibt es auch den Sourcecode: - aufgrund der GNU-Lizenz darf jeder Modifikationen erstellen und hochladen, solange kein Geld dafür verlangt wird und das Spiel also immer Freeware bleibt. Im Gegensatz zu meinen altbekannten "Erlebnisthreads" hab ich aber nicht vor, hier über meine Erlebnisse zu berichten, zumal das Spiel auf Englisch ist; stattdessen kann man hier nachlesen, was ich so treib. Ach ja, und einen Wikipedia-Eintrag zu Slash'EM Extended gibt es auch! Hier:

    Da ich mich als Entwickler einigermaßen gut mit dem Spiel auskenn', darf man mich hier aber gern fragen, wenn etwas unklar ist oder wenn man wissen will, wie man z.B. eine bestimmte Charakterklasse spielt. Im Zweifelsfall gibt es aber auch auf der Homepage jede Menge Informationen, oder man benutzt das sogenannte "learning by doing". Viel Spaß!

    PS: Rollenspiele allgemein ist doch die richtige Kategorie dafür, oder?

    Ach, noch was! In dem oben verlinkten Thread zum englischsprachigen Forum, wo meine Erlebnisse gepostet werden, werden die Spieler dazu aufgerufen, mir Charaktere vorzuschlagen. Das darf auch gern stattdessen hier gemacht werden, und hier ist die Liste, was man alles spielen kann. Bei Bedarf kann ich das Ganze (also die Liste hier) auch ins Deutsche übersetzen. Jeder darf mir eine Kombination von Rolle, Rasse, Geschlecht und Gesinnung vorschlagen, die dann von mir gespielt wird.

    Pick a role for my character:
    • Acid Mage - nope, not a mage that's high on acid, but one that casts acid-based spells. Mid tier.
    • Activistor - A weak class that periodically loses intrinsic resistances and is slow to boot. Low-mid tier.
    • Archeologist - Adept at using tools, but their weapon choices are sub-par. Starts with extra luck. Low tier.
    • Barbarian - Melee-based role that's good at using heavy, two-handed weapons. Also starts with poison resistance. High tier.
    • Binder - Starts out unskilled at everything but gets useful bonuses for improving his skills. Their early game is terribly hard. Low tier.
    • Bleeder - this is for the masochists only, as they take double damage, randomly suffer from bleedout damage, and have a disguised time limit that means they either ascend quickly or die. Low tier.
    • Caveman/Cavewoman - Fights with prehistoric weapons that don't do a lot of damage. Terrible at spellcasting. Low-mid tier.
    • Chevalier - A cleric, being good both at melee and casting healing spells. Also starts out with a goddamn awesome dragon pet. Mid-high tier.
    • Convict - Melee role that starts with a very damaging but highly inaccurate weapon. Pariah to their own race. Mid tier.
    • Courier - Unplayably hard role that is slow, hungers rapidly, and doesn't get any useful abilites. Immune to mind flayer's sucking attacks though. Low tier.
    • Death Eater - Spellcaster with powerful but expensive starting spells. Starts with an amulet of life saving (basically an extra life), but is a slow role (low movement speed). Mid tier.
    • Diver - Experimental role that I have no experience with. Low-mid tier.
    • Electric Mage - Battlemage with a specialization in lightning spells. Mid-high tier.
    • Elph - powerful archer class. High tier.
    • Flame Mage - Battlemage with a specialization in fire spells. Mid-high tier.
    • Gangster - Ranged combat class that uses automatic firearms and can create extra bullets out of thin air. Good at melee fighting too. Mid tier.
    • Geek - Don't really know much about this role; probably a melee-oriented class. Also a slow role. Low tier.
    • Gladiator - Experimental role that I have no experience with. Low-mid tier.
    • Healer - Has plenty of ways to heal himself and others, but is terrible at fighting and doesn't start with offensive spells. Low tier.
    • Ice Mage - Battlemage with a specialization in cold spells. Mid tier.
    • Jedi - Uses lightsabers that require power, which runs out all the damn time, and without their charged lightsaber, they're helpless. Low tier.
    • Knight - Starts out as a melee class but can become a powerful spellcaster too. Can ride horses, but has to follow an annoying code of conduct. Mid-high tier.
    • Korsair - Experimental role that I have no experience with. Items are renamed to wacked out slang that nobody can understand, and every word that begins with a C is renamed to begin with a K instead (example: "corsair" becomes "korsair"). Low-mid tier.
    • Monk - Unarmed fighting class that's harder to play than it looks like. Lots of special kung-fu moves but they take a long time to recharge. Gets penalized for eating meat. Has to defeat God Himself in single combat to beat their quest. Low-mid tier.
    • Necromancer - "Dark" mage that I can't really seem to get the hang of; their spells involve weird stuff like drain life and command undead. Low-mid tier.
    • Nobleman/Noblewoman - Please don't make me play one of these. They don't seem to excel at anything and are very likely to die early. Female ones also have to wear a victorian nightgown that reduces their fighting abilities even more. Low tier.
    • Pirate - Seems to be a melee/ranged fighter that can only use one-handed weapons and doesn't have much else going for him. Many items are renamed to some wacked out slang that nobody can understand, like "pieces of eight", and the game will use slang everywhere, example: "Ye be a neutral male vampiric Pirate". Low-mid tier.
    • Pokemon - Unable to use weapons effectively, but good at spellcasting and acquiring new pets. Their quest dialogue lines are extraordinarily hilarious. Mid tier.
    • Priest(ess) - Bad at fighting due to the restrictions placed on most edged weapons; relatively good at spellcasting. The blessed/uncursed/cursed status of items is revealed to them. Low tier.
    • Ranger - Totally not a Lord of the Rings elf :D. Best archer class in the game. Mid-high tier.
    • Rocker - Immune to petrification, allowing them to fight cockatrices without the huge risk of instadeath. They're slow though. Mid-high tier.
    • Rogue - Can backstab fleeing enemies, good at using daggers in melee and for throwing. Has an obnoxiously hard quest to beat, though. Mid tier.
    • Samurai - Melee fighter that has to follow a code of conduct even worse than the knight's. Also has items renamed to Japanese. Mid tier.
    • Spacewars Fighter - despite the name this is not a powerful role at all. Their starting equipment is crap and they are restricted in most ranged weapon skills. The quest for them also requires special strategies to be completed. Low tier.
    • Topmodel - Starts with lots of great intrinsics but requires hard-to-get items (which they start with). Slowest role in the entire game. Also has to follow the "anorexia conduct", otherwise they receive harsh penalties. Their quest is among the hardest of all. Low-mid tier.
    • Tourist - Can become proficient at using just about any weapon, but has a relatively hard early game. Starts with lots of food and a camera. Mid tier.
    • Transvestite - Fast melee fighter that is very good at acquiring powerful pets. They require hard-to-get items to work though, but thankfully they start with those items. If they lose those items, they're screwed. Mid-high tier.
    • Undead Slayer - Supposed to be a melee fighter, but doesn't seem to be good at it. His ranged combat and spellcasting abilities suck even more. Slow role to boot. Sickness resistant though. Low tier.
    • Valkyrie - Melee class with cold resistance. Terrible at spellcasting though. Dubbed "everyone's first ascension role" for reasons unknown to me. Low-mid tier.
    • Warrior - Melee/ranged combat class that can ride horses. Bad at spellcasting. Their quest nemesis is even harder to beat than the Monk's. Mid tier.
    • Wizard - Caster class with access to lots of powerful spells, but bad at weapon combat. Can get hungerless casting. Low-mid tier.
    • Yeoman - Slow role, but if riding a horse they can be quite strong. Low-mid tier.
    • Zyborg - Can eat metal items, gains random techniques from leveling up, but is moderately slow. Mid-high tier.
    Pick the race of my character:
    • Alien - All they ever get is loads of penalties, and a heavy loadstone that's hard to remove from their inventory. Low tier.
    • Argonian - Can swim and doesn't need to breathe. Also good at healing their wounds. Mid tier.
    • Asgardian - Gains random intrinsics from leveling up, which can be good (poison resistance for example) or bad (hunger, aggravate monster etc.), but may randomly lose turns. Mid-high tier.
    • Breton - Starts with resistances to fire, cold and lightning. High tier.
    • Doppelganger - Has the ability to polymorph, but I never seem to be able to decide what to polymorph into. Can also do a leap to pass obstacles. Mid tier.
    • Drow - The best unarmed fighter, able to put enemies to sleep. High tier.
    • Dwarf - Good at digging and using tools. Gnomes and dwarves are usually peaceful to them. They can erupt into a rage for extra hit points, but afterwards they will bleed out, often resulting in death. Low-mid tier.
    • Elf - Can get sleep resistance. Elves are peaceful to them. Mid-high tier.
    • Gastly - Can only eat old corpses, which makes them likely to die of starvation. Great starting resistances though. Low-mid tier.
    • Gigant - Can throw boulders, but hungers rapidly. Giants are peaceful to them. Mid-high tier.
    • Gnome - Can upgrade some items to better items, and turn invisible for a period of time. Gnomes and dwarves are usually peaceful to them. Low-mid tier.
    • Hobbit - Thankfully they aren't renamed to "hurthling". They can slow down time for everything else but themselves. Low-mid tier.
    • Human - The "basic" race that's a jack of all trades and master of none. Low-mid tier.
    • Imperial - Cannot pray, more likely to encounter out-of-depth monsters, but able to use the Emperor's Voice to pacify enemies. Low-mid tier.
    • Insectoid - Can summon insects to their aid and don't need to fear Team Ant. Lack of hands makes it difficult, if not impossible, to use weapons though. Also flying and poison resistant. Mid tier.
    • Khajiit - Good at fighting unarmed. Mid tier.
    • Kobolt - Starts with poison resistance and some throwing weapons, but falls asleep every so often, which can also happen in the middle of a fight with a dangerous monster. Low-mid tier.
    • Lycanthrope - Randomly polymorphs into a wolf and can summon tame wolves, but that's not nearly as useful as it sounds. Fast hit point regeneration. Low tier.
    • Maia - Starts with uncurable and uncontrollable teleportitis, and since I'm probably the only person on this planet who consideres this a good thing, they are: Mid-high tier.
    • Mould - Starts with uncurable and uncontrollable polymorphitis. The random number generator is bound to polymorph them into something useless sooner or later. Can also polymorph at will. Low-mid tier.
    • Navi - Good at kicking and using spears. They only do extra kicking damage while wearing wedge sandals though, which are hard to come by if they lose their starting pair. Mid tier.
    • Nymph - Can steal items, but unlike players polymorphed into nymphs, can't remove heavy iron balls. In fact, they periodically get chained to a heavy iron ball appearing out of thin air. Mid-high tier.
    • Ogro - Aggravates monsters, and is good at fighting with clubs, which are a useless type of weapon that no one uses anyway. Low-mid tier.
    • Orc - Can commit cannibalism without a penalty. Orcs are peaceful to them. Poison resistant. Mid tier.
    • Redguard - Starts with poison resistance, immunity to sickness and the very hard to get energy regeneration intrinsic. High tier.
    • Snakeman - Can wrap enemies, preventing them from getting away. Also have the ability to swim. Snakes are peaceful to them. Mid tier.
    • Trollor - Has very fast hit point regeneration and a significant chance of auto-reviving on death, but doesn't get a lot of max hit points. High tier.
    • Ungenomold - Starts with uncurable and uncontrollable polymorphitis, and dies permanently if their hit points run out while polymorphed. Combine this with the random number generator that always chooses the worst possible polymorph forms for maximum torture. They can also polymorph at will. Low-mid tier.
    • Vampire - Can bite and drain the blood out of monsters, but that gives less nutrition than eating normally and they can't eat anything else, so they are likely to die of starvation. Fast hit point regeneration. They can also fly. Mid-high tier.
    Pick the gender of my character:
    • Male - More susceptible to theft and kick attacks, but less susceptible to claw attacks.
    • Female - Less susceptible to theft and kick attacks, but more susceptible to claw attacks.
    Pick the alignment of my character:
    • Lawful - Can get powerful divine minions. They get penalized for committing evil acts though.
    • Neutral - Can arguably get the best artifact items, and receive lesser penalties for committing evil acts.
    • Chaotic - Can commit crimes without penalties, and they are also less likely to anger their gods. However, if they do anger their gods, appeasing them is much more difficult.
    And please pick a name for my character too. ;)
    Geändert von Aaaaaimbot (21.08.2014 um 13:01 Uhr)
    Schluß mit Verschlimmbesserungen - laßt die guten alten Zeiten wieder aufleben! Jede "Neuerung" ist ein Rückschritt gegenüber Oblivion! (Zur Verdeutlichung: Oblivion = The Elder Scrolls 4.)
    Meine Fallout-3-Mods, mein Youtube-Kanal, I Wanna Be The Jill, mein Mod zu "Jill of the Jungle" von Epic MegaGames, mein Buch (eine abgefahrene Story) bei Amazon, mein NetHack-Mod "Slash'EM Extended" (Freeware)
    Wir sind die Räuber und es wird Zeit, daß ihr das Fürchten lernt! (Amy's Fanfiktion-Profil)

  2. #2
    HGs Rebellischer Rekrut Avatar von RazorX
    Registriert seit
    HGs Dreamland


    Schön Dich mal wieder zu lesen, mein Alder...

    Aber sag mal...gibts für das Game auch einen HD-Replacer ? (sorry, die Frage musste einfach kommen...einfach nur zwecks modernem Zeitalter...)
    Diverse Programmierungen dieser Art seh ich ja fast täglich, bei diversen...naja anderen "Applicationen"...aber eben nicht als Rollenspiel verpackt...
    Ist echt trollig.
    Also ich bring sowas echt nicht mehr fertig, zwecks spielen...aber ich werds mir mal runterladen. Wenn mal Zeit ist und keine Lust auf irgendwelchen HD-Graffel, werd ich da mal reinhüpfen...

    Auf jeden Fall...Respekt und Danke für Deine Arbeit...


    Wow...1.7 MBs...das passt fast auf ne Diskette...wenn man es splittet...
    Geändert von RazorX (21.08.2014 um 13:05 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Meisterin der Klinge Avatar von Aaaaaimbot
    Registriert seit
    Grayditch (Brandices Haus)


    Wahrscheinlich gibt es nicht wirklich viele, die über diesen Thread auf mein Roguelike stoßen, aber es gibt trotzdem eine Updatemeldung: Version 81 ist draußen und fügt neue Charakterklassen hinzu. Zum Beispiel kann man als Musiker, Schloßschmied oder Thalmor (letzterer ist aus The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim ) spielen. Die Lieblingsamy wünscht allen Zockern viel Spaß! Der Downloadlink ist noch der gleiche wie oben.
    Schluß mit Verschlimmbesserungen - laßt die guten alten Zeiten wieder aufleben! Jede "Neuerung" ist ein Rückschritt gegenüber Oblivion! (Zur Verdeutlichung: Oblivion = The Elder Scrolls 4.)
    Meine Fallout-3-Mods, mein Youtube-Kanal, I Wanna Be The Jill, mein Mod zu "Jill of the Jungle" von Epic MegaGames, mein Buch (eine abgefahrene Story) bei Amazon, mein NetHack-Mod "Slash'EM Extended" (Freeware)
    Wir sind die Räuber und es wird Zeit, daß ihr das Fürchten lernt! (Amy's Fanfiktion-Profil)


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